Palo Capital, Inc. v. Cannivet

Case Number: 2017-904772
Hearing Date: February 21, 2019
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Howard, Theodore
Word Count: 541


This case involves a falling out of partners in a small company. Both accuse the other of various business torts. Boiled down to its essence, plaintiff Palo accuses defendant Cannivet of poaching clients and taking them to his new company,...

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Vance v. Wessel

Case Number: Orange County 30-2014-00707546
Hearing Date: July 13, 2015
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Aguirre
Tags: ,
Word Count: 290


Plaintiff John Vance’s Motion for Summary Judgment on the First Amended Complaint is Granted. Plaintiff’s evidence established that no triable issue of material fact exists as to the elements of his causes of action. CCP § 437c (p) (1). The...

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