Doppes v. Norton, et al.

Case Number: unk
Hearing Date: December 17, 2020
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: McCormick, Melissa
Word Count: 2,017


Defendants Alan Norton, Steve Speach, Christopher Mason, Ed Grasso, and Herbert Lee’s Special Motion to Strike Defendants Alan Norton, Steve Speach, Christopher Mason, Ed Grasso, and Herbert Lee move pursuant to Civil Procedure Code § 425.16 to strike Plaintiff August...

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Case Number:
Hearing Date: April 17, 2019
County: Los Angeles County
Judicial Officer: Williams, Michelle
Word Count: 2,508


The Court, having taken the matter under submission on 03/18/2019, now rules as follows: Defendants The California Catholic Conference, Inc. and The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles’ Special Motion to Strike Complaint (joined by The Roman Catholic Bishop of...

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James Bellino v. Tamra Judge

Case Number: 2018-01008497
Hearing Date: April 12, 2019
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Melzer, Layne
Word Count: 5,805


ORIGINAL TENTATIVE ISSUED FOR DEC. 6, 2018 HEARING (MATTER THEN TAKEN UNDER SUBMISSION) FINAL RULING ISSUED JAN 7, 2019. Defendants’ Anti-SLAPP motions came on regularly for hearing on 12/6/18. In advance of the hearing this Court issued its tentative ruling....

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James Bellino vs. Tamra Judge

Case Number: 2018-01008497
Hearing Date: April 12, 2019
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Melzer, Layne
Tags: ,
Word Count: 135


DFT Shannon Beador’s Motion for Attorney Fees Defendant Shannon Beador seeks attorneys’ fees and costs in the amount of $220,894.55 against plaintiffs James Bellino and Jump Management Co., LLC pursuant to CCP section 425.16(c). Fees to a prevailing party on...

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Case Number: 2017-00916754
Hearing Date: December 7, 2018
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: DiCesare
Word Count: 1,307


1.MOTION FOR SLAPP This is a defamation action in which Plaintiff is an attorney. Defendant is someone with whom he has an ongoing grudge. This is defendant’s special motion to strike. Defendant Brett Schulte is alleged to have authored “the...

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Burke vs. Basil

Case Number: 2016-00882380
Hearing Date: November 15, 2018
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Melzer, Layne
Word Count: 789


Plaintiff’s Objections to evidence submitted in support of Defendants’, Newport Beach Aquatics Inc. and Dean Crow, Special Motion to Strike the 4th and 5th causes of action pursuant to CCP §425.16 are ruled on as follows: OVERRULE objections 1-11; SUSTAIN...

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Newport Harbor Offices & Marina, LLC vs. Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

Case Number: 2011-479442
Hearing Date: October 19, 2018
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Delaney, Thomas
Tags: ,
Word Count: 538


Defendants Morris Cerullo World Evangelism, Plaza Del Sol Real Estate Trust, Roger Artz’s Motion for Attorney Fees is GRANTED in part. Defendants Morris Cerullo World Evangelism (“MCWE”) and Plaza Del Sol Real Estate Trust (“PDSRET”) only shall recover $ 27,835...

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SCSA Group, Inc. v. Worden

Case Number: UNK
Hearing Date: September 27, 2018
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: McCormick, Melissa
Tags: ,
Word Count: 933


Defendant David Dewyke’s Motion for Attorneys’ Fees Defendant David Dewyke moves for an award of attorneys’ fees following the court’s May 17, 2018 order granting in part and denying in part Defendant’s motion to strike portions of Plaintiffs Derek Worden...

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Murillo Guerrero vs. Walsworth Property Management, Inc.

Case Number: 2018-00970253
Hearing Date: September 20, 2018
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Lee, Richard
Tags: ,
Word Count: 408


The motion of Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants Juan Manuel Murillo Guerrero and Edwin Yovani Murillo Ceja for an order awarding attorneys’ fees and costs as prevailing cross-defendants on a special motion to strike is GRANTED, but the Court reduces the award...

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Pano vs. Huntington Beach Nissan LLC

Case Number: 2018-009732422
Hearing Date: September 20, 2018
County: Orange County
Judicial Officer: Wilson
Word Count: 205


Cross-Defendants’ Special Motion to Strike is DENIED in its entirety. (See Code Civ. Proc. § 425.16). Cross-Defendants failed to meet their initial burden to demonstrate that the Third Cause of Action in the Cross-Complaint arose out of protected activities as...

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